you can earn money by offering to sell other people’s property on e-Bay. Even thou

Tip One – Know Your Product
When it comes to buying and selling items, the best thing you can do for your client is to know the product they want to sell well. How much is it brand new? What is the value of it used? Is this product now considered obsolete? An important fact to remember is the value of technology is constantly changing. The value of an electronic maybe worth a great deal when it is new, but give it time and it will decrease in value. Also, check similar items being sold on e-Bay and decide if you can sell your product for less.
Tip Two – Strong Title
Writing a strong title is critical for helping users find your items. Use descriptive words, key words, or attributes in the title. This is your first contact with users and you need that title to draw them into looking closer at your item.
Tip Three – Product Images
Most users will skip right past listings with no pictures. Users want to see the product they are buying. The photos you take of your item are essential in grabbing user’s attention. Add one of the best photos of the product to the headline. Take multiple close-up pictures of the item. Some people may not want to do this because if it is a used product the picture may reveal a flaw. However, this is good. Taking real close pictures of any flaws and posting them in the listing will draw consumer trust.
Four – PayPal
It is a good idea to already have a PayPal account established. PayPal is a safe and secure money exchange site. Most e-Bay users deal through PayPal. It is also a good idea to have the person you’re selling for an account also, so you can transfer the money you earned for them into their account.
Tip Five – Payment
What should you charge for the services you provide? Currently, many e-Bay consignment professionals charge fees ranging from 10% on very high priced items up to 40% on consignment items which sell for less than a few hundred dollars.
Tip Six – Method of Selling
Decide which method you want to sell the items. e-Bay has several different methods. You can choose from an auction-style format, Buy it Now, or their Classified method. Several of the methods you can do simultaneously, such as the auction and Buy it Now method.
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