We must utilize every minute we can to getting the most out of our efforts. So with that being said, I'm going to reveal to you the 'Back Door' strategy I use for getting those High PR links to my website Absolutely FREE and have them begging you to come back.
And the cool thing is this can be done following these 3 steps I'm about to mention so pay attention because if you do just this, you will not only get hundreds of backlinks to your website, you'll also get hundreds, if not thousands of Targeted visitors at the same time...all for FREE! Are you ready? Good, because I am.
Step #1. First you must write an Article.
The first step is to write a related article about your Product or Service that draws the reader's attention and gets them to click through to your website once they finish reading it being eager to find out more about you and your Product or Service. Now, your probably wondering why you have to write an article.
Well, it's real simple actually. What do you get to put at the end of your article? Your 'Resource Box' with your website information and most important of all... your URL pointing back to your website. So when someone chooses to publish your article in their newsletter or on their website, blog or article directory, they MUST add your 'Resource Box' with your website information and URL.
I know some of you are saying... "I don't know how to write an article" ... well, you are not alone. Here are a few resources I've put together for you so you can get the basic idea of the How to structure your articles with ease or get someone else to write them for you.
How-To structure your articles for easy writing, you can get the necessary information from many articles directories such as:
* Ezine Articles
* GoArticles
* Freelance
This will get you started in the right direction. Remember, your article is the Nuts and Bolts of this 'Back Linking' strategy, so make sure you put some effort into it to get it as much exposure as possible.
Step #2. Submit your article to Article Directories.
This is the next step and an important one as well because this is where your article or articles are going to get picked up by website owners and/or ezine publishers who are in constant need for fresh, quality information to feed their hungry audiences for information.
There are literally hundreds of Article Directories out there and thousands of ezine publishers looking for quality content on a daily basis. And if they choose your article for publication, they must include your 'Resource Box' with your websites information and URL.
It's all about the numbers. The more Article Directories and websites you submit your articles to, the more potential Backlinks you'll get to your website. And since Article Directories have recently adopted RSS (Real Simple Syndication) technology, this will even get More exposure without you lifting a finger, creating even more Backlinks to your website. More on RSS in a minute. Are you starting to see the Power behind writing your own articles. I hope so.
Step #3. Create your own RSS Feed for your articles. This last step is a very Powerful step as well.
What you need to do is set up your own RSS Feed for your articles. Now, if you don't know what RSS is here's the basic definition. RSS is by definition - an acronym for 'Real Simple Syndication' or 'Rich Site Summary', and the .XML extension is the format used for distributing your news headlines via the Web, which is known as 'Syndication'. 'Syndication' is where the TRUE power of RSS is unleashed, getting your message or information across the web in an INSTANT to websites, subscribers and/or readers who subscribed to your RSS Feed. The easiest way for you to do this is to set up your own Blog either through Wordpress.org Or through Blogger.com
Wordpress is a little more advanced so I recommend if you don't have alot of experience with Blogs or installing scripts that you go set up a Blogger blog which will only take you less than 5 minutes to do. I'm just giving you some options, that's all.
Once you've set up your Blog the only thing left for you to do is add your articles.
TIP: Make sure you hyperlink your URL and use Anchor Text with your most targeted keywords. By doing this the Search Engine spiders will rank your website higher under that keyword term you specify in your Anchor Text.
After you've added your articles all you have to do now is submit your new RSS Feed to RSS Directories and RSS Search Engines. Here's a few resources for you to get started with.
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