alexa rank Company siteworth day income
Amanda Marcotte 95,620 $95,6 752 $ 66

Ariana Huffington

Barbara Feldman

Caterina Fake $20,64,00,02,1 $6054400

Caterina co-founded Flickr with Stewart Butterfield which was later acquired by Yahoo
! for a high 8 figure deal.
Catherine Cook

Cyan Ta’eed

Ta’eed is the co-founder of Eden Creative Communities
Eileen Gittins

6131 Blurb $3682758 $4048
Elaine Wherry

Elaine co-founded Meebo, a instant messaging service you use in your browser.
erin jansen

Founder of an Award-Winning Web Site since 1994, Erin is a Internet entrepreneur veteran.
Gina Bianchini $30336150 $27632

251 Ning
Gina is the Co-founder and CEO of Ning.